Product Details
Bodyglide Anti-Chafe balm is the recognized leader for comfort. It helps prevent and relieve hot spots on feet, and chafed, chapped and cracked skin from head to toe; good during and after activity. It penetrates the skin and creates an invisible, comfortable barrier against fristion and moisture-without clogging pores or trapping perspiration; feels DRY to touch
Hypoallergenic, non-petroleum based,
No mess
Easy to apply
Perfect against- Hot spots on feet and rubbing that causes saddle sores, chafed, chapped, and cracked skin, irritation from bras, even irritation from skin rubbing skin; used with footwear, orthotics, clothing, sports and swimwear, braces, gear, prosthesis, compression wear, wetsuits
Suitable for- Sports, fitness, big and plus sizes, work, military, law enforcement, travel, hot, cold, dry or humid weather
UPC: 605296222749